Welcome to the California
Child Nutrition Information & Payment System (CNIPS)
The CNIPS is the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division's (NSD) Web-based system for administering the federal and state nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch and Breakfast, Food Distribution, Special Milk, Child and Adult Care Food, Summer Food Service, and Seamless Summer Feeding Option Programs.
Questions? Please email at CNIPS@cde.ca.gov
Or call CNIPS at 1-800-952-5609:
Press 1 for Claims
Press 2 for Civil Rights/Complaints, SNP, and Field Services
Press 3 for CACFP and Summer Food Program
Press 4 for Food Distribution Program
Press 5 for Education and Nutrition Policy
Press 6 for CNIPS Help Desk
Press 7 for Reception |
The last day to submit December 2024 reimbursement
claims in CNIPS is Monday, March 3, 2025
Meal Application and Benefit Issuance Reminder
This is a reminder that California Universal Meals Program requires that School Food Authorities (SFA) continue to abide by all Federal School Nutrition Program requirements. SFAs participating in the programs that are utilizing standard meal counting and claiming procedures are required to conduct outreach for, collect, and process school meal applications to determine individual children eligibility levels. SFAs must continue to track and claim meals served by the appropriate eligibility category. In addition, all SFAs, including those operating the Community Eligibility Provision, must complete direct certification.
These steps not only ensure that SFAs are in compliance with program regulations, but also ensures that California continues to maximize federal funds that support the School Nutrition Programs. If you have any questions regarding compliance, please contact your Child Nutrition Consultant.
CNIPS Maintenance occurs Fridays from 2 PM to 5 PM. System may not be available during this time frame.